Peculiarities in HTML development

If the site is dynamic, then it is necessary to integrate the HTML template with the site’s content management system. This step requires knowledge of the CMS template architecture and server-side programming language.

According to the layout layout, all sites are divided into 3 groups:

  • rigidly fixed (Rigid fixed);
  • adaptive rubber (Adaptable fluid);
  • expandable elastic (Expandable elastic).

A fixed layout type is a design in which the width of a column or figure is specified in pixels and specified exactly.

A fluid layout type is a design in which the width of a column or figure is set as a percentage of the current screen resolution.

The elastic layout type is a design that adapts to the width of the browser and always takes up 100% of the window. When the browser window is reduced below a certain border, it turns into a fixed layout.

A mixed design is also possible: some columns of a tabular design can be set in percentages, others in pixels. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. In each case, the choice of design depends on the problem being solved. The HTML coder must ensure its implementation.

What an HTML coder should know and be able to do

Currently, there are a large number of computer programs that simplify the work of a layout designer: various text editors and IDEs with code highlighting and auto-completion (Visual Studio Code, WebStorm), CSS frameworks (sets of layout fragments and code for accelerated site layout development – Bootstrap, Foundation and etc.).

There are also visual editors, such as Adobe Dreamweaver. With their help, you can make websites without writing code, in graphical mode, that is, the user places visual blocks, and the code is generated automatically. But a professional HTML coder does not use these programs. He must be able to use HTML and CSS without the help of visual editors to ensure maximum code correctness in minimum weight.

An HTML layout designer must know cascading style sheets – CSS, have a basic knowledge of JavaScript, as well as basic graphic editors: Photoshop, Sketch, InVIsion, Figma, at a level sufficient to cut the layout. An experienced layout designer can create a small site using the Notepad text editor with a minimum of tools and tools.

The successful work of an HTML layout designer is built on three pillars:

  • quality code;
  • usability principle;
  • adaptive design.

High-quality code should be well structured and have the right semantic design in accordance with the rules of SEO optimization.

Usability refers to the ease of use of an interface. Site navigation should not force visitors to think hard. The simplicity of the interface is the key to the success of the project. The designer is usually responsible for usability, but the HTML layout designer also has a share of responsibility.

Responsive design will make your website mobile friendly.

When working on large projects, the work of an HTML layout designer comes down to creating only a site layout. Various modules and elements are installed in it by specialized programmers. But on small projects, the HTML coder has to work with the code from start to finish.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • the opportunity to learn a profession independently;
  • high demand in the labor market;
  • the need to constantly improve and update knowledge;
  • the ability to work remotely;
  • fuzzy boundaries between the work of a web designer, web programmer and banner maker make it possible to work in related fields.


  • there is a share of routine and monotony in the work;
  • the need to sit at the computer for a long time.

Place of work

Internet companies, website development firms, design studios, organizations with their own Internet projects, freelance work.

A large number of online schools with hundreds of graduates have overwhelmed the market, and finding a job as just an HTML coder is quite difficult, you need to move either towards front-end development, learning the JavaScript language, or towards learning CMS systems, if there are such vacancies in your area.

Important Personal Qualities

  • attentiveness, concentration;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • patience in identifying your own mistakes;
  • perseverance;
  • accuracy;
  • desire to work towards the end result.

Training for an HTML coder

To work as an HTML coder, as a rule, higher education is not required. The profession is usually mastered in courses. Universities are introducing layout modules into many training programs for IT specialists or digital designers

Career steps and prospects

A novice HTML-coder with gaining experience and striving to improve his professional level in the future can apply for the positions of a web designer, web programmer, banner maker.

As in any IT profession, everything is developing quite dynamically in HTML layout, you need to keep moving, keep an eye on browsers, follow language standards, learn new things and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

A coder is a good start for a career in IT. With simple HTML and CSS languages, you can test your perseverance, whether you like doing it and whether it is worth developing further.

Maria Fassi

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